When receiving a pet from the owner where the status of the household is healthy.
A time will be agreed with clients to ensure that we only deal with one customer at a time to adhere to social distancing rules.
We will wash our hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or use hand sanitiser before going to collect or receive your pet.
Drop Off /Collection at Small Paws premises Enter the first gate, on the wall, there is a hand sanitiser dispenser for your use. Open the second gate and unclip your dog allowing them to enter into the enclosed garden.I Will be standing at the front door to welcome your dog . Please Stay behind the second gate to allow 2 meters of social distancing.
If handover occurs within the premises, face masks must be worn by both parties at the point of transfer.
We will use our own leads /harnesses or other equipment to limit cross-contamination.
Your dog will be spritzed with leucillin spray on arrival and departing our premises (click here for more details).
We will Limit handling of anything else, such as phones and faces, during any time of contact.
We will Wash our hands for 20 seconds using soap and water or hand sanitiser once we have returned the pet.
If we are transporting pets,we will disinfect any surfaces that your pet(s) have come into contact within our vehicle with a pet-safe disinfectant spray and/or wipe surfaces, before transporting other pets.
Payments must be made electronically if possible.
All our toys games and resources will be washed before your dog arrives for their session with a pet safe disinfectant spray and/or wipe.
All our leads /harnesses and dog tags are sterilised/washed after every use
Our Home
All our floors and hard surfaces will be washed with defra recommended cleaner including door handles light switches worktops any area your dog comes into contact with.
Soft furnishings throws dog beds cushions etc will be laundered after every visit.
The grassed area will be cleaned both morning and evening with defra approved disinfectant.
Outdoor toys will be wiped down daily using defra approved disinfectant.
Gate handles will be wiped using antibacterial wipes between each customers visit.
Dog Walking
All keys are sterilised before and after entry into your home Hands will be washed using sanitiser before putting on gloves Gloves will be worn on entering your home and disposed of on exit We will touch as little as possible ie door handles light switches please try to have your dog on the ground floor if possible.